Uranium | Properties | Uses | Other Details - Elements and Compounds


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Uranium | Properties | Uses | Other Details

Uranium Properties Uses and Other Details

    What is Uranium

    Uranium is a silvery-white metal, and chemically it is an element. The density of uranium metal is 18.95 grams per cubic centimeter. Uranium's symbol is U, its atomic number is 92 and its atomic weight is 238.029. Uranium atom has 92 electrons, 92 protons, 146 neutrons and 7 energy levels. Uranium is found in solid state at room temperature. Its melting point is 1135 °C (2075 °F) and its boiling point is 4131 °C (7468 °F). Uranium is located in the group Actinides, Period 7 and Block F in the Periodic Table.

    Uranium was discovered in 1789 by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Kalaproth.
    What-is-Uranium, Properties-of-Uranium-metal, uses-of-Uranium-metal, details-on-Uranium-metal, U, facts-about-Uranium-Metal, Uranium-characteristics,
    Uranium Properties Uses and Other Details

    Properties of Uranium

    • Uranium is a white-silver colored metal.
    • Uranium is a radioactive element.
    • Uranium is a very hard metal, it is so hard that it can even scratch glass.
    • Uranium is a ductile metal, so thin wires can be made from it.
    • Uranium is a malleable metal, so it can be given the form of a thin sheet.
    • On coming in contact with oxygen, a layer of black oxide forms on uranium, which is called uranium oxide.
    • Uranium-235 is one of the main fissile elements, fissile elements are elements that sustain a chain reaction of nuclear fission.
    • Uranium is a very chemically active metal, it can react with most non-metallic elements to form compounds.
    • Uranium compounds are yellow or green in colour.
    • Uranium is not a good conductor of electricity.
    • Uranium dissolves in nitric acid.
    • Uranium is slightly soluble in water.

    Uses of Uranium

    • Uranium-238 is used in the production of Plutonium-239.
    • Depleted Uranium is used to make armor of tanks.
    • Uranium is used to make atomic bombs.
    • Uranium can also be used to make missiles, small shells and bullets.
    • Uranium-235 is used as fuel in nuclear plants. Uranium is used in nuclear power plants to heat water to make steam, then use that steam to make electricity.
    • The isotope of uranium, uranium-238, is used for dating igneous rocks and for other radiometric dating.
    • In ancient times, uranium compounds were used to make colored glass.

    Interesting information about uranium

    • Uranium is not very rare in nature, it is widely spread throughout the environment, so it is impossible to avoid it.
    • Uranium is found in trace amounts in vegetables grown underground. The amount of uranium in radish may be slightly higher, but that amount is not harmful to health.
    • The radioactivity of uranium was first detected in 1896.
    • The first atomic bomb used in war was made from uranium-235, which was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Whereas the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki city of Japan was made of plutonium.
    • There are only 3 naturally occurring isotopes of uranium, uranium-234, uranium-235 and uranium-238, of which only uranium-235 can be used for nuclear power.
    • Naturally mostly Uranium-238 is found, while naturally Uranium-235 is found only 0.7%.
    • Uranium powder suddenly self-ignites.
    • Energy equivalent to 1500 tonnes of coal can be generated from one kilogram of uranium.

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