Lead Metal | Properties | Uses | and Facts - Elements and Compounds


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Lead Metal | Properties | Uses | and Facts

Properties Uses and Facts about Lead Metal

    What is Lead Metal

    Lead is a metal, and chemically it is an element. The density of lead is 11.34 grams per cubic centimeter. Its atomic weight is 207.2 AMU, atomic number 82 and symbol Pb. Its atom has 82 electrons, 82 protons, 125 neutrons and 6 energy levels. Lead is located in group 14, period 6 and block P in the periodic table. Lead is found in solid state at normal temperature. The melting point of lead is 327.5 °C (621.5 °F) and its boiling point is 1749 °C (3180 °F).

    Lead metal has been used for thousands of years, so it is unknown who discovered it.

    What-is-Lead, Properties-of-Lead-metal, uses-of-Lead-metal, details-on-Lead-metal, facts-about-Lead-metal, Lead-characteristics, Lead-metal,

    Properties of Lead Metal

    • Lead is a silver colored metal with a slight blue tinge.
    • Pure lead is a soft metal. It is so soft that it can be easily scratched even with a fingernail.
    • Lead is a malleable metal, so it can be formed into thin sheets.
    • Lead is a ductile metal, so thin wires can be made from it.
    • The electrical conductivity of lead is less than that of other metals.
    • Lead metal has very good corrosion resistance.
    • When exposed to air, lead metal forms a dark-grey layer.
    • Lead is toxic, when it accumulates in the body it causes serious health problems.

    Uses of Lead Metal

    • Lead is most commonly used in the manufacture of lead-acid batteries.
    • The density of lead is very high. It is a heavy material, so it is used in X-ray machines and nuclear reactors to block X-ray and gamma radiation.
    • Lead is used in the manufacture of ammunition.
    • Lead is used to store corrosive liquids such as sulfuric acid.
    • Lead is used to make many types of alloys, such as solder, type metal, bevit metal etc.
    • Lead mono-oxide is used to make some types of glass like lead crystal, flint glass etc.
    • Lead is a heavy metal so it is used to make gym weights and weight belts for diving.
    • Lead is used to make paints and paint pigments.
    • Lead-nitrate is used in firecrackers.
    • Lead is used in petrol as an anti-knocking additive, efforts are being made to gradually reduce its use.
    • Lead used to be used in insecticides and hair dye, but is now banned because of the harmful effects of lead.

    Interesting Facts about lead metal

    • Lead is the 36th most abundant element in the earth's crust.
    • The ancient Romans used lead to make water pipes, some of which are still in use today.
    • Over 98% of the lead found in lead-acid batteries is recycled.
    • Lead can enter our body through food, water and air. When it is in excess in the body, it can cause serious damage to our brain, nervous system, kidney and fertility. Lead can enter the fetus through the mother and can cause severe brain damage to the unborn child, making the child mentally handicapped.
    • We consume about 0.1 mg of lead daily through food, and about 120 mg of lead is present in the bones of an adult.
    • Most of the lead is extracted from an ore called galena, besides it is also found in the ores of zinc, silver and copper.

    Detailed Information on Some other Metals

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